Corporate Partnerships
Partnering with Critical means being part of something extraordinary. Support from our lifesaving partners enables our responders to be there for more people at the worst times of their lives.
When a medical crisis hits, receiving the right help at the right time can be the difference between life and death. Our partners play a vital role in making sure Critical responders can provide that help.
Our partnership programmes offer companies the opportunity to step up and join us at the front line of Ireland’s emergency medical response. Thanks to partners just like you, we can provide responders with the training and equipment they need to be on the scene of an emergency and deliver vital, life-sustaining support.
Here are a few of the ways you could work with us:
Heroes from HQ
Our brilliant training partnership. Your teams will receive life saving training from our qualified trainers. Staff benefit from new skills, you benefit from employee engagement, your community benefits from having more members ready to step up when an emergency strikes. It’s a fantastic way to contribute while getting immediate and tangible benefits in return.
Lifesavers United
Our bespoke partnership programme. We’ll work with you to understand your ESG or CSR goals, then co-create a sponsorship or our lifesaving work in a community or region. From colleague engagement, to marketing and communications opportunities, being part of our Lifesavers United programme will position your company as the beating heart of Ireland’s emergency medical response.
Health in Hand
Our way of putting your customers’ health in their own hands. We’ll do cause related marketing on a specific product or range (from bandages to backpacks) where a percentage of those sales come to Critical. This gives you something to shout about while showing your audience you share their values. There’s even the chance to use in-pack information to give your customers what they need to be their own lifesaver.
Licensed to Live
Our opportunity to improve Irish Emergency Response. We’ll work with you to identify how your skills and resources can make the biggest difference in preventing death. Whether that’s a financial investment or a series of skilled volunteering opportunities in which you help us recruit, train and engage our volunteers better. These longer term partnerships build resilience in your workforce, our organisation and Ireland as a whole. What are you waiting for?
To find out more about opportunities to partner with CRITICAL, please contact our Corporate Partnership Lead, Zoe, on zoe@criticalcharity.ie
Our Corporate Supporters
Our heartfelt thanks go out to all the corporations and businesses who have supported us in our mission. It is through their generous contributions that we have been able to make a tangible and positive difference in our communities.
Their unwavering support is a testament to their dedication to social responsibility, and we take great pride in having them as our partners in our mission to empower communities to save lives.
Become a Corporate Partner